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Experience the RTN Difference

Discover how RTN - Run The Numbers™ can transform your digital strategy. Our expert solutions are designed to deliver exceptional results and drive your success.

Google Ads

Agency White Label

PPC Audit & Consultancy

Microsoft Ads

Conversion Tracking

Feed Optimisation

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Google Ads

  • Custom Campaigns: Target the right audience with precision.
  • Keyword Expertise: Optimise for maximum impact.

  • Real-Time Insights: Refine your strategy based on performance data.


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Microsoft Ads

  • Bing Focused Strategies: Tap into new markets.
  • Cost-Effective Bidding: Maximise your ad spend.
  • Detailed Metrics: Track and optimise for better results.

Feed Optimization

  • Accurate Product Data: Enhance your listings for visibility.
  • Quick Issue Resolution: Maintain smooth operations.
  • Improved Performance: Boost product searchability and sales.
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Conversion Tracking

  • Seamless Implementation: Monitor essential metrics.
  • User Behavior Analysis: Gain actionable insights.
  • Clear Reporting: Make data-driven decisions with ease.

PPC Audits & Consultancy

  • Thorough Audits: Identify areas for improvement.
  • Strategic Recommendations: Enhance your campaigns effectively.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Stay ahead of the competition.
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Agency White Label

  • Branded Solutions: Offer our expertise under your name.
  • Professional Reports: Deliver clear, impactful insights.
  • Comprehensive Support: Ensure your clients’ success with our backing.

Get started today

Ready to take your online advertising to the next level? Contact us today to schedule a consultation.